Protect your website against unauthorized visitorsEnhance your website's security with SiteBox Enclave. This proprietary solution ensures that only authorized users with specific permissions can access your site's resources. Integrated seamlessly with SiteBox Auth SSO, Enclave streamlines authentication, eliminating the need for additional credentials and providing robust protection for your website.
See also:
SiteBox Enclave
Ensure your environment is not accessible by unauthorized guests
Rules accessibility
In the SiteBox Edge, the configuration of Enclave involves the definition of a few parameters. These rules are based on domain names, availability and pathname matching, providing advanced control over resource accessibility.
The following domain settings can be applied to the rule:
- All domains - by default, this rule will affect all linked to environment domains
- Specific domains - or you can specify domains that this Enclave rule should cover
The following accessibility types can be specified:
- Public – by default, this rule opens up the selected matching path to public access. An Exclusion List can be defined to exclude specific resources from accessibility.
- Protected – in contrast to the Public rule, the matching URL is blocked by default. An Inclusion List can be configured to identify requests that are exempted from the protection mechanism. These configuration options allow for nuanced control over resource availability, ensuring a tailored and secure environment for your web applications.
When opting for the "Protected" mode, you can specify the denied access mode, influencing Enclave's response to incoming queries. The available options include:
- Auth Redirect – users are automatically redirected to log in through SiteBox SSO for website access.
- Maintenance – users are shown an informational screen indicating ongoing maintenance, accompanied by a login button.
- Unauthorized – users encounter a screen conveying the unavailability of the resource, along with a login button.
These settings allow for tailored responses, ensuring that denied access scenarios are managed in a way that aligns with your website's requirements and user experience expectations.
Inclusion and Exclusion lists
Within the Exclusion and Inclusion lists, users have the flexibility to define rules that either exclude or permit access, despite the defined availability settings. These lists empower users to precisely control which resources should be exceptions to the default accessibility configurations. Whether excluding specific paths from public availability or permitting access to certain URLs despite the protected rule, these lists offer granular control over the accessibility of your web resources.
Rule name | Description | Available in list | Possible values |
IP | IP address of incoming request | Inclusion and Exclusion | IPv4, IPv6 or CIDR range |
Method | HTTP method | Inclusion and Exclusion | GET , POST , PUT , PATH , DELETE or OPTIONS |
Country | Incoming request country | Inclusion and Exclusion | Any of ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 codes |
Header | Value of X-SiteBox-Auth-Secret request header | Inclusion and Exclusion | Any value |
User agent | Value of User-Agent request header | Inclusion and Exclusion | Any value |
Email of logged in user | Inclusion only | Any valid email | |
Email suffix | Email suffix of logged in user | Inclusion only | Any value |
Order management
Efficiently harness the power of Enclave by utilizing the Drag & Drop mechanism in the SiteBox Dashboard to manage the order of rules. Enclave operates by matching the first rule whose URL corresponds to the desired resource. Therefore, the ability to easily arrange and prioritize rules is crucial for effectively leveraging Enclave's capabilities. The intuitive Drag & Drop feature in the SiteBox Dashboard empowers users to seamlessly organize rules, ensuring that the desired rules take precedence and contribute to a finely-tuned and secure environment.
Consider the scenario of blocking access to the /wp-admin/*
zone while allowing access to the
path. This can be accomplished by creating two rules:
- Rule for
– configure this rule with public access. - Rule for
– set up this rule with restricted access.
With the ability to manage the order of rules via Drag & Drop in the SiteBox Dashboard,
you can ensure that the rule for /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
takes precedence over the second rule, even though the
latter also matches. This nuanced rule configuration allows for the desired exception, enabling secure and controlled
access to specific paths within your application.
Enclave management
By utilizing the SiteBox Dashboard, you can manage enclave for each environment. All changes made to enclave will be visible on the website within 2-3 minutes after the last update.
See also the user guide:
Enclave management
Learn how to add, edit, delete and reorder enclave rules