

Understand what resources SiteBox offers and how they work

This article helps to get started with SiteBox platform by explaining a hierarchy of resources within the platform. Understanding the hierarchical structure and how items are organized is essential to successfully work with the platform and understanding its capabilities.


Company is a top level organizational unit that is a container for all resources kept within the SiteBox Platform. On top of its decorative role, it is also an entity that is connected to billing module and contains payment information. All resources that belong to the company will be billed on a company level.

The company can be either:

  • An agency, where agency on behalf of their customers manage projects or,
  • An organization, where a single website, or multiple websites belonging to the same owner are managed in SiteBox.

Company relationship

  • A company has multiple projects,
  • A company has multiple users.


A Project represents a hosting package that bring all the resources owned by a single website (or effectively client). It contains multiple environments set-up based on specific needs but also different resources with the same owner such as media assets, back-ups, logs.

The project has a property type, which basically explains underlying technology. There are three main types of projects we currently use within the platform:

  • Professional WordPress Project
  • Professional Headless Project

Project relationship

  • A project belongs to one company,
  • A project has multiple environments,
  • A project has multiple users,


The next hierarchy level is environment, which can be split into two groups:

  • Back-end environment
  • Front-end environment

Back-end environment

It represents a single WordPress instance. Depending on a project type it will have a slightly different role:

  • For WordPress Hosting projects, it is an instance that can be reached by both visitors and editors with access to administrative section of WordPress,

Front-end environment

It represents an application separated from the back-end experience responsible for presentation layer of the website. The front-end environment always belongs to a back-end environment which becomes its data provider. In the pre-rendering (or deployment) process, content is captured from the back-end instance through an API layer and converted into a final website to save server processing time.


A user represents an individual who is assigned any role within a company. To learn more about users and permission, please take a look at User Management category.